Similar fact evidence that demonstrated multiple similarities between 12 suspicious claims was deployed by LV= and led to those claims being successfully defended by DWF. The main action, comprising five claimants was tried in the Central London County Court before Mr Recorder Bowers QC, with four of the Claimants discontinuing on the first day of...Read More
Power ships today represent the cutting edge of innovation, making the source and production of energy movable. Increasing and variable demand for energy has caused local authorities to face new demands for production. Immediate energy demands must be met but investment should not lead to long-term entrenchment of infrastructure likely to be outdated quickly. A...Read More
Uyum için yol haritası AB Genel Veri Koruma Tüzüğü 14 Nisan 2016 tarihinde AB parlamentosu tarafından onaylandı ve 25 Mayıs 2018’de yürürlüğe girecektir. Bu mevzuatın iceriği tüm Avrupa Birliği (AB) üye ülkelerine uygulanacak yeni bir veri koruma çerçevesi olarak tanıtılmaktadır. Bu yeni rejim sonucunda, kuruluşların kişisel verilerin saklanması, toplanması ve tedavisi ile ilgili yükümlülükleri artacaktır....Read More
It is predictable fact that energy especially electric demand in Turkey, whose demand for energy rapidly increased within the OECD countries, will be increased more in the near future. (EIA 2014) Undoubtedly that, this increase in demand for energy, necessitates an investment in energy sector and diversifies the current energy resources. Within this framework, importance...Read More
June 10, 2015. On 12 February 2015 Parliament passed the Insurance Act 2015 which will introduce the most significant changes to English commercial insurance law for at least 100 years and arguably the most significant changes ever. The Act will come into force on 12 August 2016. Some leading insurers, however, have already said that...Read More
Following the riots that took place in London in August 2011, the Riot (Damages) Act 1886 has come under increasing scrutiny, both by the judiciary and the government, and proposals for reform have now been announced. The Act, which provides a legal basis on which businesses and individuals who have suffered damage following a riot...Read More
The International Maritime Organization’s Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), which met at the IMO’s London headquarters for its 95th session from 3 to 12 June 2015, adopted a new Code for Gas-Fuelled Ships. The Committee adopted amendments to SOLAS Chapter II-1 Part G and the Code of Safety for Ships Using Gases or Other Low-Flashpoint Fuels,...Read More
St Shipping & Transport Inc v. Kriti Filoxenia Shipping Co SA [2015] EWHC 997 (Comm) (MT Kriti Filoxenia) The Commercial Court has considered whether cancellation provisions in the BEEPEEVOY3 charterparty form were applicable in the event of re-nomination of a load port by charterers under the charter. In this case, the Charterers re-nominated the load...Read More
This article summarises the reforms to the UK’s Insurance Law regime that will be introduced by the Insurance Act 2015. The forthcoming changes are significant and may affect anyone involved in the insurance market in any capacity, whether as insurer, broker or as an insured. British insurance law largely developed in the 18th and 19th...Read More
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